
Prof Drifte's Special Lecture@AIU: ドリフテ教授特別講義@国際教養大 [Report]

Prof. Reinhard Drifte's Special Lecture@Akita Int'l University

CEAR (Center for East Asia Research) Special Lecture
Date/Time: 9/28(F), 15:30-16:45:
日時 2012年9月28日(金)15:30-16:45
Place: Akita Int'l Univ, Building D, Lecture Hall:
場所 国際教養大学D棟レクチャーホール
Speaker: Reinhard Drifte (Emeritus Professor, Newcastle University, UK; Visiting Professor, Pau University, France):
Topic: Japan and China: Managing rivalry, competition and conflict:

Prof. Drifte 120928AIUa14.jpg ドリフテ教授

Summary in English:
Professor Drifte's speech on Japan and China was very timely in view of the current dispute over the Senkaku islands and the 40th anniversary of the resumption of diplomatic ties between the two countries. He explained various obstacles to the establishment of "normal" relations" between Japan and China, and examined a number of possible scenarios for the future of their relationship.
His speech seemed to be quite instructive and informative to those students who are interested in the past history and current development of Japan-China relations, although at times there were unsatisfactory explanations and stereotype descriptions of some aspects of Japan and China.
The following is a summery of Prof. Drifte's lecture, prepared by himself:
”The lecture will look first of all at the contradictory trajectories of the overall relationship. i.e. increasing economic integration and rising traditional and non-traditional security challenges. Particular attention will be given to the territorial disputes (Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands; delimitation of the East China Sea border), the myth of ‘China needs Japan’, the various impediments to overcome the historical legacy, the Taiwan issue, the contradictions arising from Japan’s policy of engagement, and the problems presented by different negotiation styles. Finally I will discuss 5 possible scenarios for the future of the bilateral relationship, and how to avoid negative outcomes. I will refute a simplistic Liberal approach (’close economic relations prevent military conflict’), but also a simplistic realist approach that Japan’s hard power balancing against China can prevent military conflict. (Reinhard Drifte)"
(Reported by Takahiro Miyao)
Summary in Japanese:
Prof. Drifte's presentation and the audience: ドリフテ教授の講演と参加者
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