
Stanford Events on Silicon Valley & Japan [レポート Report]

Stanford University Events on Silicon Valley & Japan/Asia (Feb. 2-3, 2016)

Day 1: February 2, 2016
Symposium “Silicon Valley and Asian Economies”
APARC Japan Program Symposium & NHK World Global Agenda
Time: February 2(T), 3:30-5:00pm
Venue: Bechtel Conference Center, Encina Hall, Stanford
Takeo HOSHI, Director, Japan Program, APARC, Stanford
William BARNETT, Professor, Stanford Graduate School of Business
Francis FUKUYAMA, Director, Center on Democracy, Development, and the Rule of Law, Stanford
Kenji KUSHIDA, Research Associate, Japan Program, APARC
(From left) T. Hoshi, K. Kushida, F. Fukuyama, and W. Barnett
Led by moderator Takeo Hoshi, the three panelists first presented some key words to describe the essence of Silicon Valley, that is, “Harness” for Kenji Kushida, “Social Capital” for Francis Fukuyama, and “Failure” for William Barnett.
Then they spent some time discussing how these key words could symbolize the success of Silicon Valley as the world’s center of innovation.
In this context, they critically examined Asian economies in general and Japan in particular in terms of business structure and government policy regarding innovation.
Some of the challenges that Silicon Valley is facing toward the future were also discussed.
Although all the four Stanford scholars naturally sounded positive and optimistic about the present and future of Silicon Valley, there seemed to be some difference of opinions among them in assessing the potential of Asian and other economies as “true” innovation centers.
While Kenji Kushida emphasizes the unique role that Silicon Valley so far has been and probably will be playing as the global center of innovation, William Barnett sounded more cautious about the future by referring to some of the innovative enterprises in Asia and Latin America.
The Q&A session was quite useful in clarifying the views of the panelists on innovation, creativity and culture.
(Takahiro Miyao)
Day 2: February 3, 2016
Seminar “Chronicles of the Silicon Valley-Japan Relationship and Lessons Learned”
Subtitle: An insider’s view of large firms, startup firms, and entrepreneurs since the 1970s
Time: February 3(W), 4:15-6:00pm
Venue: Philippines Conference Room, Encina Hall, Stanford
Masa ISHII, Managing Director of AZCA, Inc, Visiting Professor, Waseda Business School and Shizuoka University
Masa Ishii's presentation and the lively Q&A Session
After going through the recent history of Silicon Valley and its interaction with Japanese companies including his personal history as a bridge between the two difference business cultures, Masa Ishii explained why many of the Japanese large corporations have failed to take full advantage of the ecosystem of Silicon Valley.
He pointed out the "cronic issues facing Japanese companies in Silicon Valley", which include Japan's inward-looking attitude toward innovation, risk aversion, slow decision-making, etc.
His prescription for Japanese companies to benefit from innovative Silicon Valley culture turned out to be quite simple -- adopt top-down management decision-making system, which more and more Japanese companies are subscribing to, due to technological change and global competition.
In the Q&A session, some doubts concerning the real change in Japanese management culture were expressed, but Ishii replied rather optimistically by saying that emerging companies led by relatively young generation of Japanese managers are actually changing in a desirable direction.
However, the seminar ended with a somewhat pessimistic note both on the part of Masa Ishii and most of the audience in terms of Japan's ability to adapt to the IoT era by developing good networking software rather than sticking to its hardware "mono-zukuri" tradition.
(Takahiro Miyao)


「冬の経済教室 in Tokyoー授業に役立つ経済学」 [レポート Report]

「冬の経済教室 in Tokyoー授業に役立つ経済学」

日時:2016年1月23日 14:30~16:30
2016年の「冬の経済教室 in Tokyo」では、前回2014年「秋の経済教室」に引き続き、宮尾尊弘筑波大学名誉教授(経済教育ネットワーク理事)が、日本とアメリカの大学で実際に適用した経済学の教授法を紹介し、それを高校の授業にどう活かすかについて提案を行った。

講師:(左)宮尾尊弘・筑波大学名誉教授 (右)金子幹夫・神奈川県立平塚農業高校初声分校教諭
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1-1: 「イシュー」から始める教え方(「問題解決型」と同じではない)
1-2: 現実のイシューの例:「TPPの賛否」「パリ協定の有効性」「『貯蓄から投資へ』の是非」
1-3: 目的と効果:ソフトスキル獲得の重要性
1-4: 努力と進歩の評価(適切なフィードバック):「レベル」と「改善率」の両方を評価

2-1: 「じゃんけんゲーム」(1回限りのゲーム)
2-2: 「じゃんけんゲーム)(繰り返しゲーム)
2-3: 「公共財ただ乗りゲーム」(1回限り、繰り返しゲーム)

3-1: 第1部と第2部の内容を踏まえて、どのように高校で授業を展開したらよいのかを考える。
3-2: キーワード:「その気にさせる」「問いの基盤をつくる」「全員参加」「教科書に戻す」
3-3: 現状分析:自分のフィールド内にいる100名の高校生の授業中の分析
3-4: 具体的な手立て:(1)じゃんけんゲーム、(2)全員参加で考える、(3)イシューから問いに、(4)教科書に戻す、(5)ふりかえる
3-5: おわりに

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第1部・第2部 アンケート結果(31名回答、途中参加1名 2-3のみ回答)

1-1. 「イシューから始める考え方」の説明は、分かりやすかったですか?
とても分かりやすかった(22人)、多少は分かった(9人) 、どちらとも言えない(2人)、あまりよく分からなかった(0人)、まったく分からなかった(0人)
とても分かりやすかった(23人)、多少は分かった(6人) 、どちらとも言えない(2人)、あまりよく分からなかった(0人)、まったく分からなかった(0人)
とても分かりやすかった(13人)、多少は分かった(10人) 、どちらとも言えない(6人)、あまりよく分からなかった(2人)、まったく分からなかった(0人)
とても分かりやすかった(14人)、多少は分かった(12人) 、どちらとも言えない(3人)、あまりよく分からなかった(2人)、まったく分からなかった(0人)

2-1. 「じゃんけんゲーム」の説明は、分かりやすかったですか?
とても分かりやすかった(24人)、多少は分かった(6人) 、どちらとも言えない(0人)、あまりよく分からなかった(1人)、まったく分からなかった(0人)
2-2. 「じゃんけんゲームのクラス実験」は、何か助けになりましたか?
とても助けになった(15人)、多少は助けになった(11人) 、どちらとも言えない(2人)、あまり助けにならなかった(2人)、まったく助けにならなかった(0人)、無回答(1人)
2-3. 「公共財ただ乗りゲーム」の説明は、分かりやすかったですか?
とても分かりやすかった(14人)、多少は分かった(15人) 、どちらとも言えない(1人)、あまりよく分からなかった(2人)、まったく分からなかった(0人)

AJEQ 2015年全国大会(改定): Congrès annuel de l'AJÉQ-2015 (Révision) [Photos]

AJEQ 2015年全国大会(改定): Congrès annuel de l'AJÉQ-2015 (Révision) (10/4) 

2015 年 10 月 3 日(土): Samedi 3 octobre 2015
Lieu: Université Atomi, Otsuka, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo; Pavillion 2, Salle 2401

大会プログラム Programme

9:15 受付と総合司会 大石太郎(関西学院大学)
Rèception; Modérateur OISHI Taro (Université Kwansei Gakuin)
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9:45-10 :00 開会 Ouverture 
開会の辞 曽田修司(跡見学園女子大学)SOTA Shuji (Université Atomi)
開催校代表挨拶 大塚 博(跡見学園女子大学副学長)OHTSUKA Hiroshi (Vice-recteur de l’Université Atomi)
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挨拶:クレール・ドゥロンジエ代表(ケベック州政府在日事務所): Claire DERONZIER (Déléguée générale du Québec à Tokyo)、小倉和子会長(立教大学): OGURA Kazuko (Présidente de l’AJEQ, Université Rikkyo)
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10:00-11:30 自由論題セッション Communications
司会 Modératrice:小松祐子(筑波大学): KOMATSU Sachiko (Université de Tsukuba)
Révolution tranquille et interculturalisme : continuité de l’histoire québécoise
仲村 愛(明治大学大学院)NAKAMURA Ai (Université Meiji, doctorante)
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(2)「両大戦間におけるフランス系カナダ・ナショナリズム-リヨネル・グルーを中心に-」Sur le nationalisme des Canadiens français d’entre-deux-guerres-Autour du chanoine Lionel Groulx- 立花英裕(早稲田大学)TACHIBANA Hidehiro (Université Waseda)
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(3) « La quête identitaire et l'identité-relation dans Le premier jardin d’Anne Hébert »(アンヌ・エベールの『初めの庭』におけるアイデンティティの探求とアイデンティティ=関係) LEE Kaya (Université Sungkyunkwan)
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12:00-13:00 総会 Assemblée générale
2015 年度小畑ケベック研究奨励賞授与式
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13:00-14:30 ワークショップ Atelier
「州民投票から 20 年-ケベック内政の批判的検討」Qu’en est-il de la situation socio-politique : 20 ans après le Référendum sur la souveraineté au Québec ?
司会・コーディネーター:矢頭典枝(神田外語大学)Modératrice & Coordinatrice : YAZU Norie (Université Kanda des Études internationales)
(1)「1995 年以降のケベック政治の展開」Quebec politics : 20 years after the referendum
田澤卓哉(広島県庁)TAZAWA Takuya (Hiroshima Prefectural Government)
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(2)「カナダ・ケベック憲法闘争とケベック・ナショナリズム―州民投票から 20年の今日から振り返る―」Réflexions sur le conflit constitutionnel entre le Québec et le gouvernement fédéral canadien
荒木隆人(岐阜市立女子短期大学)ARAKI Takahito (Institut universitaire pour femmes de la ville de Gifu):コメンテーター:古地順一郎(北海道教育大学函館校)Commentateur : KOJI Junichiro (Université d’Éducation de Hokkaido)
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(3)「ケベックの憲法的地位とケベック・レファレンダムの憲法的意味の再考」Revisiting Constitutional Status of Quebec and Constitutional Meaning of Quebec Referenda
佐藤信行(中央大学)SATO Nobuyuki (Université Chuo)
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14:45-15:45 基調講演 Conférence
L’intégration scolaire des immigrants et l’éducation interculturelle au Québec : contexte, débats, résultats(ケベックの学校における移民の統合と間文化的教育:その背景・議論・成果)
マリー・マカンドルー教授(モンレアル大学):Marie MC ANDREW (Université de Montréal) 
司会・通訳:山出裕子(明治大学)Présentatrice & Interprète :YAMADE Yuko (Université Meiji)
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16:00-18:00 シンポジウム Symposium「間文化主義再考」
L’interculturalisme aujourd’hui : quelques réflexions sur sa naissance, son développement et ses polémiques 司会・コーディネーター:小倉和子(立教大学)Modératrice & Coordinatrice : OGURA Kazuko (Université Rikkyo)
ディスカッサント:真田桂子(阪南大学)、伊達聖伸(上智大学)Intervenants : SANADA Keiko (Université Hannnan), DATE Kiyonobu (Université Sophia)
(1)「ケベック文学における間文化主義の誕生」Naissance de l'interculturalisme dans la littérature québécoise 廣松勲(法政大学)HIROMATSU Isao (Université Hosei)
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(2)「間文化主義とパフォーミングアーツ」Interculturalisme et art du spectacle
曽田修司(跡見学園女子大学)SOTA Shuji (Université Atomi)
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(3)「間文化主義の政策と教育の改革」Politiques interculturelles et réformes du système d'éducation
スティーヴ・コルベイユ(静岡大学)Steve CORBEIL (Université de Shizuoka)
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(4)「日常におけるインターカルチュラリズムの実践」L'interculturalisme dans la vie quotidienne
飯笹佐代子(東北文化学園大学)IIZASA Sayoko (Université Tohoku Bunka Gakuen)
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18:00- 閉会 Clôture 副会長挨拶 立花英裕(早稲田大学)TACHIBANA Hidehiro (Vice-président de l’AJEQ, Université Waseda)
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Exposition de YASUDA Kei (Danse café) Visages du Québec, Près de l'Accueil
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以上、写真撮影:宮尾(Photos: Miyao)

シャロン博士夫妻、息子さんとの会話 Talk with Dr & Mrs Charron & their son [レポート Report]

Conversation with Dr. Charron, Misa and Michio Hirai in Montreal

Claude=Yves Charron, Misa and Michio Hirai in the backyard of their house




[ English ]
On Saturday, August 29, I was invited to Dr. Claude=Yves Charron’s house in a suburb of Montreal, where I had a very enjoyable conversation with Dr. Charron, his wife Misa Hira along with their son Michio over lunch in their backyard.

First, Dr. Charron pointed out some delays and gaps in information about Japan in Quebec with virtually no reference to Japan’s politics, business, or society in the mass media these days. Even though Japan has sometimes been mentioned in connection with the Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement, no analysis is done regarding its geopolitical implications on Japan vis-à-vis China’s hegemony in the Asia-Pacific region.
However, he said that despite this lack of information about Japan in the mass media, which may at least partly be due to the insufficient information disseminated from Japan, more and more people, both young and old, seem to be attracted to Japanese culture and society and attending various events and exhibitions about Japan, such as Otakuthon, which is Quebec’s largest anime convention, and the Hiroshima memorial concert by the Montreal Symphony Orchestra and its music director, Kent Nagano (

Then, Mrs. Misa Hirai, who is teaching Japanese at the University of Quebec at Montreal, commented that the enrollment in her Japanese language course started to increase significant three years ago and is about 350 students this year, almost three times as many as those studying the Chinese language.
According to her, this may well be due to students’ increasing interest in Japan’s pop culture such as manga, anime, games, movies, fashion, design, etc., and this seems to be a good first step toward wider interests in Japanese culture, history and society in general.

Later their son Michio joined the conversation, saying that quite a few friends of his, who actively participated in Otakuthon and other similar events, have visited Japan and wanted to stay there, but visiting Japan is one thing and living there is another. There are still numerous obstacles for foreigners to live even in a cosmopolitan city like Tokyo, such as formal restrictions and informal discriminations on residential arrangements and professional activities. He pointed out the example of Canadian anime song singer, HIMEKA, who had to give up her career in Japan last year for failing to find a new agency to sponsor her stay after a several years of successful singing career in Japan.
Michio himself, while having mostly enjoyed his stay in Tokyo on his internship program a couple of years ago, sometimes found it difficult to adapt to Japanese behavior at work such as long working hours, staying up with his colleagues until 10 or 11pm.

As a conclusion, the four of us, including myself, agreed that while we all recognize and appreciate so many interesting and valuable contents, events and heritages in Japan, there is much room for improvement and reform to make them more visible and acceptable to the general public in Canada and elsewhere around the world.

Talk with Dr. and Mrs. Charron (6/28/2008):
Interview with Dr. Charron (8/30/2007):

ケベック州政府国際関係省での対話 Conversation at Quebec Gov’t Ministry of Int’l Relations (MRIF) [Report]

Conversation at Quebec Gov’t Ministry of Int’l Relations (MRIF)

M. Etienne Baillargeon, Mme. Maude Cote, and M. Donald Leblanc



実際、ここでこのようなテーマについて議論するのはタイミング的にも場所的にもまさにベストで、ちょうど州政府の庁舎の近くにあるケベック州美術館(で、日本に関する特別展示が行われていた。それは「ジャポニズム」の時代を取り上げた「Inspiration Japon」とケベックのアーティストによる日本の伝統を題材とするポップアート「Nippon-Fiction」というもので、私は国際関係省を訪れる前にこれらの展示を見て回って大いにエンジョイすることができた。




Conversation at Quebec Gov’t Ministry of Int’l Relations (MRIF)

On Monday, August 31, I visited the Ministry of International Relations and Francophonie (MRIF) at the Headquarter Building in Quebec city, where I was greeted by three officials in charge of Asia and Japan, M. Donald Leblanc (Asia-Pacific, Latin America and Caribbean Director), Mme. Maude Cote (Chief of the Japan, Korea and Oceania Desk), and M. Etienne Baillargeon (Officer at the Japan, Korea and Oceania Desk).
The main purpose of my visit was to exchange opinions and information with the Quebec officials about recent cultural activities concerning both Japan and Quebec.

First, in response to the surprisingly strong interest in Japan’s pop culture and the “Cool Japan” concept on the part of the Quebec officials, I tried to outline the recent strategy of the Japanese government to promote and support Japan’s popular culture such as anime, manga, games, films, fashion, design, cuisine, etc. for the purpose of marketing pop culture-related goods and services abroad as well as attracting foreign tourists to Japan in connection with the 2016 Summit in Mie Prefecture and the 2020 Olympics in Tokyo.

The timing and location for our discussion on this subject matter seemed perfect, as the National Museum of Fine Arts of Quebec near the Parliament Building ( was featuring the special exhibitions about Japan, “Inspiration Japon” (Japonism) and “Nippon-Fiction” (a Quebec artist’s traditional Japanese-style pop culture), which I enjoyed viewing, prior to my meeting at the Ministry.

Then, we discussed possible ways to encourage the exchange of artists and creators between Japan and Quebec. As pointed out by the officials, a number of Quebec artists such as dance performers have visited Japan for a short stay supported by the Quebec government, but there has not been any such arrangement for Japanese artists to stay in Quebec supported by the Japanese government so far, and it might well be under consideration by the Japanese government in the context of the Cool Japan strategy, especially in some pop culture fields such as anime, manga, games, films, cuisine, etc.

Then our discussion led to a possibility of creating a kind of “matching site” as a platform to introduce artists and creators on one hand and sponsors and business people on the other to facilitate mutual exchange of information and possibly business interaction between Japan and Quebec. However, the important question about this idea is how to meet the “quality” and “legal” requirements for real collaboration between them across national boundaries. Our tentative conclusion was that as a first step professional organizations such as film industries in Japan and Quebec could be interested in creating a platform for more active interactions between Japanese and Quebec film industries. As a result of this kind of step-by-step approach, a more comprehensive, across-the-board matching platform for artists/creators and hosting/business organizations might emerge in the long run.

All this discussion took place within an hour as planned, which implies how efficient the Quebec government, or at least the MRIF, operates, and I truly enjoyed talking with those three officials in such a friendly and productive manner, hoping that Japanese government officials could learn from them in this respect.

Quebec Premier’s speech in Japan (August, 2011):
My visit to Montreal and Quebec city (August, 2007):

マルセル・マルテル教授との対話 Conversation with Prof. Marcel Martel [レポート Report]

マルセル・マルテル教授との対話 @ヨーク大学(2015年9月2日)
Conversation with Prof. Marcel Martel @York University (Sept. 2, 2015)

マルセル・マルテル教授と最新著書:Prof. Marcel Martel & His Most Recent Book


まずマルテル教授は、最新の著書『Canada the Good』(2014年)に言及し、昨年日本で行った講演のいくつかはこの著書の内容に基づいていたことを指摘した。さらに現在行っている研究テーマは何かという質問に対しては、「カナダ人のアイデンティティ」というテーマに取り組んでいるとのことであった。実際に、英語を母国語とするカナダ人の多くはヴィクトリア王女の誕生日を祝い、フランス語を母国語とするカナダ人はセントジョン・バプティストの日を祝うといったような社会で、カナダ人のアイデンティティがどう定義され、どう共有されるのかはまだ不明である。




マルセル・マルテル著『Canada the Good: A Short History of Vice since 1500』(2014年、 WLU Press)
Conversation with Prof. Marcel Martel @York University

On Wednesday, September 2, I visited York University in Toronto, where I met Professor Marcel Martel and asked him about his current research interest. Since it was just before the fall semester starts, the campus was very quiet and we had a leisurely conversation over lunch at a nice faculty dining room.

First, Prof. Martel referred to his new book, Canada the Good: A Short History of Vice since 1500 (2014), which was a basis for some of the speeches that he gave in Japan last year. Then, in response to my question about his current research agenda, he said he is now working on the issue of the “Canadian identity,” which is yet to be defined and shared by all citizens in a society, where most of the English-speaking Canadians celebrate Queen Victoria’s Birthday, French-speaking Canadians honor St Jean-Baptiste Day, etc.

That sounded like an ever-lingering problem in what might be called a “mosaic” society, rather than a “melting pot” like the United States of America. So, I am anxious to know a conclusion, however tentative, of his ambitious research to deal with this problem.

Then, our conversation turned to the topic of Japanese popular culture such as anime, manga and sushi, which are attracting more and more attention from Torontonians these days, according to Prof. Martel. He pointed out that, especially in the case of Japanese food, it has become so popular, because it is healthy to each fish and vegetables, which are the main ingredients of Japanese cuisine. This “high culture” aspect might also apply to other genres of Japanese pop culture such as anime, where Hayao Miyazaki’s artistic works have made Japanese amine a kind of fine art, rather than children’s comics, leading to the wide popularity among the young and the old all over the world.

Prof. Martel and I agreed that it would be quite interesting to study the history and strategy of a country’s popular culture to penetrate into other countries with different cultural backgrounds from the comparative viewpoint, such as Japanese vs. Korean pop culture accepted in North America in somewhat different ways.

Marcel Martel, Canada the Good: A Short History of Vice since 1500 (WLU Press, 2014):
Reports on Prof. Marcel Martel’s lectures in Japan (October/November 2014):

Art vs Real Thing on UCLA Campus: 芸術VS実物@UCLAキャンパス [Photos]

Art vs Real Thing on UCLA Campus: 芸術と実物の対比@UCLA

Late May-Early June; 2015年5月末~6月初め
UCLA Campus; UCLAキャンパス

Painting (@Faculty Center); 絵画(@ファカルティ・センター)
Sculpture (@Sculpture Garden); 彫刻(@彫刻の庭)
Pop Art (?); ポップアート(?)

Colorful Spring on UCLA Campus: カラフルな春のUCLAキャンパス [Photos]

Colorful Spring on UCLA Campus: カラフルな春のUCLAキャンパス

Date: April 14-23; 2015年4月14日~23日
Place: From Sculpture Garden to Faculty Center; 彫刻の庭からファカルティセンターまで

Jacaranda Color on Campus; ジャカランダの色に染まるキャンパス

Other Colors on Campus; その他のキャンパスでの色
(A girl's shadow? on the tree trunk; 木の幹に少女の影?)

Faculty Center Photo Gallery; ファカルティセンター写真集

Morning Sunrise on UCLA Campus (April 9): UCLAの日の出(4/9) [写真]

Morning Sunrise on UCLA Campus (April 9): UCLAの日の出(4/9)

Date: Thursday, April 9: 2015年4月9日(木)
Place: Around the Sculpture Garden@UCLA: 彫刻の庭周辺

"Softly as in the Spring Morning Sunrise"



More Flowers on UCLA Campus (March 31): UCLAキャンパスの花(3/31) [Photos]

More Flowers on UCLA Campus (March 31): UCLAキャンパスの花(3/31)

Date: Tuesday, March 31: 2015年3月31日(火)
Place: Around Royce Hall@UCLA: ロイスホール周辺





